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These are invitation only classes for girls and boys who demonstrate a high level of ability and have potential to compete at Club, regional and national level.

Gymnasts from General Gym classes are invited to join our Acrobatics competition squad if they demonstrate the skills, ability and dedication and commitment.

Acrobatics has been in the club for over 35yrs and Owner Sharon with her two daughters Carmen And Kayleigh together with a strong team of Coaches produce a fantastic Acro Squad.

Classes are in various levels:

  • Novice Acro Comp Squad - Pairs compete along a strip of floor to include Balances and Elements.
  • CDC Acro Comp Squad - Partnerships compete in a floor routine to music including balances and tumbles.
  • NDP Comp Squad - Competes in South West, and National Competitions and also are trained to a good level of tumbling.
  • Youth Comp Squad - Partners compete in a higher level of Acro, routines are choreographed to a high level as well as elements and tumbles.
  • Elite Acro Squad - Gymnasts compete in high-level Acro, Gymnasts in this group are committed to training and enter all the major competitions, and also perform at fetes and shows.

All our Competition Squads compete in the following competitions every year:

  • South West Acrobatic Prelims - winners go on to National Finals
  • South West Championships
  • South West School Competition - winners go on to National Finals
  • International Competitions
  • Friendly Club Competitions

We are extremely proud of the achievements of our Acrobatic gymnasts.

  • British Gymnastics
  • British Gymnastics

Splitz Gym Club
Unit 1, BW Estates
Oldmixon Crescent
Weston-super-Mare  BS24 9BA
Tel: 01934 620909
Mobile: 07900  856129


Copyright © 2008 - 2025 Slitz Gym Club